Star Wars Lightsaber - Padawan Collection - Multi Coloured Baselit RGB - Black Hilt
Product code:JL 1088
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Our Price $ 95.62

It features a smooth black cylinder hilt with a black rubber handle grip for a soft and controlled grasp. The emitter reveals a curved design adding detail to this stunning piece.
Also included is a free laser cut acrylic stand, perfect for displaying your lightsaber.
Lightsaber Features
- Removable Blade
- 12 Lightsaber Colours
- Smooth Swing
- Blaster Block
- Flash on Clash
- Multiple Character Sounds
- Multiple Blade Effects
What You'll Recieve
- Padawan Lightsaber Hilt
- Attachable Blade
- Acrylic Lightsaber Stand
- Lightsaber Charger
- Instruction Manual